Are you ready for the end of the decade? I know I can’t believe it either. But like it or not, 2020 is less than a day away! Chances are if you are reading this, this decade was a time of transition for you. Perhaps you got married, perhaps you had kids, and now, perhaps you are looking for some divorce tips. Maybe you did all three!

Top 5 Divorce Tips for 2019

Like you, this decade and, this year in particular, was a time of change for me too. I started the Divorce Lawyer Life to help guide people through this time of uncertainty by offering free and, more importantly, accurate expert advice about the divorce process. If you have been reading this blog for a while (thank you!), I hope that you have found my tips useful in handling your own separation. If you are new here, welcome! I’m so glad that you have found me!

I’ve seen a lot of end of the year round up articles about the best of 2019. It got me to thinking about this blog and how such a post could be helpful to you. It also made me do some research. What articles resonated with my readers the most this year?

Top 5 divorce tips for 2019

So, without further ado, I present my top 5 divorce tips for 2019! If you missed these and want to know more, click on the links and read the full article for all the best advice. The articles, in opposite order, are:

Top 5 divorce tips for 2019

5. End of the year divorce checklist;

4. Dating after divorce and dating after separation (tied);

3. What should I wear to court?

2. Just Separated? Do this now; and

Drumroll, please . . . . .

1. Divorce myths you need to stop believing!

What divorce tips are next for 2020?

After reviewing what articles were so popular last year, I noticed a trend. My readers are looking for practical information about living life during and after divorce. Do you agree? Is this why you are here? Let me know in the comments!

So I’m going to focus on continuing to provide this kind of information to you. In other words, what it is like to be a real person going through a divorce? I think my perspective as a divorce lawyer, and not a divorced person, provides a unique and helpful view.


Because I am not just drawing from my experience as divorced persons often do. Rather I am drawing on the experience of my hundreds of clients to provide you with special insight into this process and how it affects your life, your money and your kids. Not everyone’s experience is the same.

Therefore, by being able to offer different viewpoints, I hope that you can better identify with my advice and use it to navigate to your best post divorce life!

What should you be doing for your divorce in 2020?

Well continuing to read the Divorce Lawyer Life, duh! If you haven’t already subscribed to my newsletter, make sure that you do so ASAP. As an incentive, I have two freebies to offer that I think can be of real help to you. I’ve even tailored them for where you are in the divorce process.

Get my top 2019 divorce tips for a happy 2020.

The first is for those who have just separated from their spouse.

The second is for those who are already in the divorce process and need guidance for what to do next.

Both subscriptions give you free access to my weekly newsletter where I provide extra tips, tricks and recommendations for the divorce process and beyond!

And, if you aren’t already doing so, make sure that you are following me on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter!

I hope that 2020 brings you peace and excitement for what the next decade can bring for you and your loved ones. I promise I’ll be with you along the way.

Bye bye 2019 and hello 2020! Happy New Year!