Happy Father's Day from the Divorce Lawyer Life!

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads, stepdads, godfathers, granddads, and father figures out there! Father’s Day can be tough for children of divorce, especially if their parents do not get along. Are you involved in a high conflict custody case? Is it impossible for you to be in the same room as your ex without screaming at one another?

Remember, your children love both of you. When you demean the other parent in front of them it may cause your children stress and anxiety. They may think to themselves: how can I love someone that my mom thinks is so terrible? Does that mean they don’t love me?

I’m sure you don’t want your children to feel this way. Luckily there are things that you can do to reassure your kids. Your actions and words need to make it clear that just because you and their dad are no longer together, that doesn’t mean that you love your children any less.

One way to help your children through this confusion is to help them celebrate the other parent. Does your child want to make or buy a present for their dad? Encourage it! Give them money for it! Don’t think of it as giving your ex something. Think of it as a gift to your child. You’ll get the benefit back ten-fold.

Missing your dad on this Father’s Day?

And for those missing your dad on this Father’s Day, you aren’t alone. My Dad passed away in November of 2016. I’m sad I didn’t get more time with him. If you find yourself missing your dad this Father’s Day, make sure that you do something that keeps his spirit alive. My Dad was a huge fan of bagels, diet cokes and John Belushi. I think I’m going to find some time to watch the Blue Brothers today.

Do you have a tradition to honor your father or your coparent on Father’s Day? Comment below!

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