Have you just separated from your spouse and are heading towards a divorce? Or, have you been separated for awhile and but are just getting started in the divorce process?
Do all the legal terms and rules have you scared and confused? Does all of this have you worried about what is going to happen to you, your children and your finances? I find that the fear of the unknown is the biggest worry of people that have just separated from their spouse? Does this sound like you? Not sure where to begin? Don’t worry, I can help!
The best place to start is to subscribe to my newsletter so that you can stay up to date on all things Divorce Lawyer Life. Each week I post articles providing you expert advice for navigating the divorce process, preparing your finances and protecting your kids during your separation. Best of all? It’s free!
So, want to know what you get when you sign up for my newsletter? I’ll let you know about the articles that I’ve posted that week plus give you some extra tips and tricks that are just for my subscribers.
And, as a thank you for signing up, you’ll get my free guide below and get started on your way to your best post divorce life!

Not sure where to start? Get a FREE copy of my Essential "Just Separated from My Spouse" Checklist!
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