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Did you watch friends? You know how Monica felt about cleaning and organization? Yeah, I’m a real life Monica Gellar. Is this you too? Divorce is a time of transition and upheaval. Being organized can save your sanity and your money. Need some help getting organized during this time of transition?
While I discuss some of these resources in my blog posts and on my Pinterest page, I thought it would be helpful to have them all on one page so you can refer back to it as needed. This way you won’t have to remember exactly which article you found it in. I’ll be updating this page as I find new products to recommend so make sure you come back often to check them out!

Staying organized is essential to making sure that nothing falls through the cracks. This includes both work and no-work tasks. I have an Iphone 7 and so everything goes on my icalendar, which integrates seamlessly with my outlook calendar at work. This way I can see everything I have going on and can make sure that I don’t schedule a client meeting late in the day when I have to leave early for an event. I like to plan my life at least two weeks in advance. This gets the job done.
I am officially obsessed with this program. Before I started this site, I did a lot of research about content calendars. Trello is the best one I have found. I mean, you can make to-do lists inside of to-do lists. How amazing is that?? I really like that I can attach photos and links so if I read an article and think it’s great for a post, I can link it to my board. This way I don’t have to go searching for the article three months from now when I want to reference it.
Not only can I organize my tasks for the Divorce Lawyer Life, I also have a board for my personal to do-list for things like laundry, meal prep, and making appointments. Trello offers a free version which I use, but they also have a paid version if you want to use it for business and/or project collaboration. Here is another review of the pros and cons of Trello as a project management tool.
Google Drive
Each day it is possible that I could use four electronic devices. Google Drive lets me access my important documents on all of them. I used to use Drop Box but it didn’t have enough space and it seemed to delete my documents. Plus, it doesn’t have any of the other features that Google Drive offers. In addition to storing documents, I also use it to create slides for presentations and share documents with other people. Clients will also send me links to their Google Drives. It is a great way to send over lots of financial documents at the same time.
The Path Life Planner
While I love all my electronic content management tools, sometimes you still need paper. I recently purchased The Path Life Planner to keep track of all goals for the day, the week, the month, and even your year (cue Friends music now!) What I especially like about this planner is it provides a step by step guide for long term and short term goal setting. There is also bonus content on their website. Seriously, it’s been a game changer for me.
What about you?
Have an organizational tip that you want to share? Something that you think I should try? Let me know in the comments!
Did you just separate from your spouse and not sure what to do next? Or, have you been in the divorce process for awhile and need help wrapping up your case? Check out my free downloadable checklists that can help you, no matter where you are in the divorce process!